2 Regals and 1 Purple Tang - What size Tank?


Going to start a 2nd tank at the end of this month. I have a 55 gallon right now and I am very limited. I am going to also purchase for my office a tank - Then I have something to do at work :) -
I want the adequate size tank. For my Living Room area I want to beable to put in 2 Regal Tangs, 1 Purple Tang, a Black Cap Basslet, probably a Watchman Goby, Pair of Clarkii. I will be doing some corals so was not going to get any Angels. What size do I need? Is a 125 enough room or do I need to go to something along the lines of a 180?
For my office I was looking to do a 90 Gallon and would want to keep a Powder Blue Tang and a Black Tang in there. Was little short on space so was wanting to do a 90 Gallon, I can put the tank in another spot if I need to go bigger.
I assume i can keep those Tangs together because of their difference in body design, somebody please correct me if I wam wrong.
Thank you.
Also in the office Tank I wanted to put a few Green Chromis for the schooling, I would put in a Six-Line Wrasse, another Watchman Goby, perhaps a Pair of Clowns. Do I wanna go 125 gal or will I need bigger?


For your living room tank you should defiantely go for a 180, the bigger the better and you couuld proberly put a couple more fish in there, such as a dwarf angel (I love my Bicolor). I know you want corals but many have reported success. The tangs should get along but make sure the purple goes in last, they can be very aggresive. Sounds like a lovely tank.
For the tank at workI wouldn't put a PB in a 90gal. THe are very active swimmmers, maybe you could put one in the 180 gal and have the Regals in the 90 with the black tang, that could work. The other wish would be fine in a 90gal.


Well if 2 Regals and a Purple or Black can handle a 90 Gallon I would just put the 2 Regals and Purple in the 90 at work..
And I would put the Powder Blue and Black Tang in the home tank. I thought having 3 Tangs would require the biggest tank my mistake.
I just want to make sure my fish are going to be happy.


Active Member
dont put the PB in the 90 it will be too small. Why dont you look at a chevron or kole tang for the 90 gallon. I have a PB in my 125 and he is doing well but will soon be moving to my 300, I just think he would be happier. For your home tank I have a 165 with a Naso, Hippo, Valmigii and a mimic along with some other smaller fish and they are all doing perfect. I also have corals and a large angel in the tank a swallowtail angel will not mess with corals. If you do two tangs in a 90, I would do the purple and maybe the chevron. Although the mimic tang is very cool.


Active Member
Firstly my congratulations for asking BEFORE you act. Admirable.
180-200 should do the trick for home. If I were to go w/ 2 tangs in a 90, which is doable, I'd go w/ Black and Kole. Some 90 dimensions are different. Is the one you are thinking about 4' or5' long? If 5", I think PB would be fine in the tank. If not, you might want to think about at least a 5' long tank in the office for a pb. 125g would be great, if you have the roon. Good luck !


When you consider fish like tangs I think it's best not to think gallons but in feet instead--get a 6footer for those bigger ones and no less than 5 for any tang. Even the little ones are very active swimmers.
Good Luck