2 skimmer questions


Ok! I just set up a hang on skimmer on my 72gal. bow front. It is a Coralife Super Skimmer. Question 1: When I plug it in, nothing is happening. Any suggestions??? Question 2: Do people have a problem of putting their tops back on when putting this type of equipment in your tanks??? I have a two-top versa (glass) and I can not fit the one side back on because the hose that goes in the bubble skimmer part sticks out too far. This poses a problem for me because it is leaving open a lot of space open to the air which gives my wrasse a nice big opening to jump out. and he would if he could! Help soon, please!!!! thanks.


I had the same problem, so I went to Lowes and bought some light defuser/egg crate. you can cut it to fit. allows more light and gas exchage.


Active Member
check the impeller on the pump and make sure nothing is lodged in it from manufacturing or shipping. If there is nothing blocking it and it still doesn't turn the pump is bad and needs to be replaced.


No idea why it wont start up. If you are hearing nothing maybe the power head is dead. If you bought it new I would take it back. It should just run when plugged in. If you bought it used for a good price it is possible to put a new power head on it. Some people do this on purpose adding what they think is a better ph.
If you are hearing something but no water flow. Maybe the dial on the needle wheel needs to be turned on. The gray knob just above the power head.


Hmmm....i should go check if there is packaging in the impeller part to keep it from moving! It is wet now if thats the case!!! It is a bran-new pump, i hope i can get it to work..what a pain to take it down and send it back (cuz i got it online).