2 tanks


all right i got 2 tanks gonna be aggressive, a 120ish and a 200. the 120 is all ready to go except for substrate and decor. the 200 is a little further behind. what my question is anybody got cool ideas on how to stock these??? what should go where you know. so i'd like to have a clown trigger and snowflake eel, i'd like a harlequin tusk, a lion for sure, a puffer. so anybody got good suggestions on livestock, and which to put em in??? if you need the dims on the tanks, lemme know, but the reason im asking is for substrate choices and more or less where to go from here. :D :D


For the 120 you can add a clown trigger, a snowflake our chainlink eel, a lionfish, and maybe another trigger. You can either add a puffer or a trigger(they can not be kept together because some reason the fight eachother). For the 200, i'd add a shark, maybe a bamboo or a coral cat, because they don't get that large. If you want to get one, make sure you have sand, the cc scratches there bellies and later can give them infections. You can add in that 200 a lionfish, some tangs maybe,no triggers or filefishes because they will eat the sharks cartilage. A large angelfish would be nice, but if you do watch out, because angels pick at sharks eyes sometimes. You can add some other fish, but thats your choice what to pick. Also, congrats on the tanks ;) , and Good Luck! :D


the only prob wit the 200 is it is only 15 inches wide, it was an in the wall type thung between 2 rooms, for me, it will be under a bar, ive also heard that 200 is a little on the small side for sharks, but maybe a marbled cat???? i was thinking that if you were sitting at the bar and looking down, you would see a lot of the floor, so maybe a ray, but i threw that out the window when i thought about the width, he would just be drag racing, no laps. the 100 is a few inches wider. this is why im thinking about what i want now, instead of when im ready to go, since sharks and rays must have a fine sand, vs. cc or coarser sand. i just want to have everything planned on what i want, and then how to make it the most hospitable for my guests.


Active Member
no sharks or rays in a 200. 15" wide isnt that much. if i had a 200 gallon tank i would get a tesselata and put him in there and maybe add one more large fish. tessy's are probably my favorite of all fish. heres what i would do with the 125, the clown trigger, a large agressive grouper like a miniatus, and the h.tusk, and an eel. that would be a good looking tank. for the 200, 15" isnt really good for agressives, thats why i suggested the eel. bo


thanks for the input on the 15 wide and agressives, makes sense though. im just weighing my options, VERY open minded, all is well, that would be bitchin though, a kick ass eel under a bar. but ill look into maybe something else though too, glad i dont have my heart set yet. i looked at the pic of the tesselata and he looks TOUGH what is compatabile with him. i usually have a tendancy to under stock i think, but i'd like to have as much as possible, but i also really like clown triggers. hey at least im not trying to cram everything into one tank huh


Sorry, didn't know it was 15 in. wide. The tasselata would be awesoem, but just to be safe I'd add him last.A lion would be AWESOME down there. Not a little lion, but one of those big, thick, volitan lions. :D I'd go with a clown trigger to in that big tank. :p


Active Member
pat, tesselatas have to have BIG AGRESSIVE TOUGH tankmates. good tankmates with them include big aggressive groupers such as miniatus. a big volitan might do ok, but the width will again be a problem since they get so wide. a large puffer may work. at the lfs, we always keep them in solitary confinement because they are just so dang mean. these guys are so awesome. a big clown trigger would prbably do real good in there, i think if you just got a clown and the tesselata in there that tank would be sweet. if you get a tessy, just remeber they arent like snowflakes, and if they bite you, you will be scarred for life. never hand feed him, get a feeder stick. bo


that would probably be cool for the 200, and that would be about it??? then i would have the cool eel and a clown trigger, oh yeah the 200 is going to be under a bar that is going to be all tough so they would fit the bill. then maybe some other agressives for the 120, that would not be as compatable with the meanies.