2 triggers together?


New Member
Hi all, can I put 2 triggers together with a couple horseshoe crabs in a 55 gallon? I was thinking of Clowns, but I read that they get agressive and would outgrow the 55. Any suggestions? Thanks.


New Member
yeah, that's what I was worried about. Is there a variety of trigger that would be ok in a 55? I was hoping to get a small clown or niger, but that might be too much. thanks


If you get a few small triggers, that would work- for now. However, they cannot look similar to one another (ex. picasso and an assasi or rectangular) and they must be small as well. Most triggers will out grow their tank, and they all eat like pigs.


Active Member
I think a Humu Humu would be alright in that size too, but probably just that fish by itself.