2 UFO's in my tank, can you help??


1st one!! these guys are orange little flacky looking critters white at non adult stage, about the size of a BB they look like to have 2 horns, it appears to be its head area and they can change there shape, they are over everything and I mean everyting, glass, rocks, ETC.
The 2nd being a silverish transparent little guy no bigger than about 1/8, they swim like a fish and are very fast, they dart in and out of the rock and from underneath, they have tails like a shrimp, no pinchers and they have 2 little attenias??? anyways!! I seen them pick up grains of sand and when pregnant have white bellies... ;)
I have like hundreds of these thing's, giving all that I can give does anyone have a clue..?? thanx


Active Member
#2 may be mysis shrimp.
Do a google search on them.
I had what I thought was them in my overflow/prefilter area, sort of clear, swim in small groups, dart all over the place, and have visible eyes. Very quick and always seemed anxious LOL ( fish food ) - but cool.
#1 - not a clue on the two horned morphing orange flakey things <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


First one sounds like an isopod, is it like a rolly polly kinda?
Second one sounds like an amphipod.
Both good for your tank, many fish and inverts eat them as a natural food.


thanx for the info, I will go check it out, the orange things are more like !! slithery..lol and almost motionless, but I do know they move


well we have a bingo on creature #2 mysis shrimp is it and I do have lots of isopods for creature #1 but it's a miss, bright orange, kind of looks like and acts like a very tiny sea slug, but this thing is like almost paper thin, the 2 horn like things curve inward towards its center


For critter #1 try a search on sea slugs or nudibranches. Sounds like they are both possibilities.
Let us know!


I didn't know slugs and nudibranches came that small if its a possibility this is what they are?? actally saying there the size of a BB is making them bigger than they actually are.


New Member
I have two tiny nudibranches in my tank - they are about the width of paperclip and only about 2 cm long. so, yes they do come that small!


are nudibranches known to reproduce in the tank, cus I have these orange lil buggers all over my glass, on rocks, in the sand bed, on snail shails and I sure didn't start with this many.


i have a baby one as well, he just appeared one day. maybe one of your nudi's was pregnate when you got her.
Everything has to start out small sometime.


I never added a nudi on my own, I seen one of these orange things like little over a month ago and I thought kewl...now I have hundreds.I even sucked a mess off my class and rock the other day, there size is what throws me off, there like a 3rd the size of a isopod which is small its self and paper thin, will get it figured out.