2 up grade or not 2 up grade that that is the Question


Calling all reefers………
Ok I am very serious about up grading my reef tank (90 gal.) to a 210 gal.
I few Q?:
1) Is it more $$ the keep that size of tank?
After all up grades skimmer, lights etc.
2) CC or LS will clean up crew keep LS clean….LOL…. or vac.
2 vac or not 2 vac that is the Q?
3) after new tank cycles how much 2 add and when?
4) if LR is cured will it help new tank cycle?
If any1 out there has ever upgraded 2 a bigger tank please leave some feedback about your experience.
Please post pics for inspiration! ***)


If you have the money, then UPGRADE!
We just went from a 60 reef and 90 FOWLER to a 250 gallon mixed.
Yes is cost more to run a larger tank, your electric bill will go up!
More lights to cover more area + chiller to cool more heat from more lights + more pumps to pump more water = more money!
Our bill went up about $125 a month.
Plus you will use more additives daily and you will use more food daily.
Is it worth it? HECK YEAH! I love the reaction I get when people see it for the first time!
Plus when there is nothing to watch on the glowing box (TV) we just sit and watch the tank!
We have been up and running for a little over 3 months, the only occupants are what we transferred over from the existing tanks plus some fish I adopted when a friend took down his reef.
Our dimensions are 72w X 24t X 30d. 24 tall means easy to clean front glass from top to bottom. We had a 36 tall and I hated that tank!
I am receiving a shipment from SWF.Com tomorrow and then we are going fish shopping this weekend for more inhabitants!
Here are some photos for your enjoyment.
First shot is looking down thru the end. We went with a 30 deep just to get this look.



WOW nice pics.
I also have a 125 FOWLR about 5 months old now. I am thinking about having just 1 tank.
all the fish are reef safe.
so 2 smaller 90 gal & 125 or
more feed back pls!!