20-55 gallon reef package...


i have a question about the reef packages.. the one i was looking at (a brief suming up) has about 23 crabs, 25 snails, 2 brittle stars, and a coral brand shrimp.. my question is.. is that necessary to have that much in a tank? or will a tank with a few of each do just as good? it seems like more than enough for a 45 gallon tank i'm planning on setting up.. thanks for any imput :confused:


Active Member
IMHO, it may not be enough snails and hermits for a 45 gallon. I'd get about 35-40 of each in it if I were you. JMO
The one you were looking at would be an OK clean up crew once your tank is set up. Some would say less would be okay, others would say you need more. I think that is a pretty good crew to add, but I would go with more snails and crabs. You can always add or take out what you do or dont need.
A couple more snails and acouple more crabs and you should be set. :yes:


wow, it just seemed like a whole lot of crabs, but like it says they have been putting these packages together since whenever and i'm sure they know what they are talking about, it just struck me as a lot. just wondering if it seemed like a lot to anyone else but i guess not. thanks
all i can picture is the bottom of the tank covered in crabs, with their claws open and extended waiting for a fish to swim low enough, like some crazy zombie movie.


im planning on having LS and LR... not looking into coral or reefs.. is it still necessary to have that many?


Active Member
Personally Id say you need more if your going the fish route, the produce more waste and will create more algae than a reef tank.