I'm similarly limited; I have a 26 - I wish I had found this message board first and I would have gotten a 48 inch wide 55 gallon tank. The Rule of thumb is one inch of fish for every 5 gallons of tankwater, so theoretically you could have "4 inches" of fish, which could just be a single fish (you need to take into account mature size of the fish, not current size). However, if you use live sand and live rock in your tank, that doubles your bioload carrying capacity, so that would put you at "8 inches" of fish, which would be 2 or 3 of the smaller species. Get Michael Paletta's book "The New Marine Aquarium" - it is "the bible" of this message board, improved upon only by the experience of long-time hobbyists here. He lists good livestock choices for a small starter aquarium, but his smallest tank size consideration is a 40 gallon, so just halve the amounts he has.