20 gal coral suggestions

Hey all... it's been a long time since I've posted....
Anyway, I was wondering if you guys could suggest good beginner and intermediate corals for my 20H. Its a FOWLR right now and the only bioload is a pair of clowns and cleanup crew. Setup is a little over a year old.
Lighting is as follows: 130 w total (65w 10k and 65 actinic) PC
Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!


New Member
Shrooms and ricordia are pretty simple and don't take the light of sps corals. Xenia are also easy and fast growers. Mine has quadruapled since december.


Zoanthids, ricordia, shrooms, yellow polyps (actually most polyps like GSP), hammers, frogspawns, torch corals...etc/
Tons of choices for a 20 with 130 watts of PC. Just make sure you research each type bnefore you buy it, as lighting is only one requirement (ie - soime need very matuer tanks, some need lots of flow, some need less flow, etc.)
But amke sure and stay away from clams and SPS.