20 gal cycled in 1 week????


I just set up a 20 gl hosp. tank a week ago. When I set it up, I used cc that I had removed from a 2 month old tank, an established bio wheel, and an established filter. I did use all new water though. I did not test the water till the 5th day. At that time, the ammonia was about .30 and the 'trites were about .15. I just checked them again, and both were 0!!! I can't believe this tank would cycle in a week!!! I also have 2 damsels in there that were getting ready to go back to the lfs. Any thought or comments on this??? Is this possible???


it's absolutely possible, a lot of people have tanks that take nill time to cycle for their readings to go down .. it's just a good idea to age a tank before adding livestock.. in the case of a hosp. it's not that big a deal..


When your using all established media and substrata it will go lickity split. Keep an eye on the tank you took all that from--that's alot removed.


The cc came from my 65 that I changed over to a dsb, and my filters came from a 10 hosp. tank that I tore down. So I didn't remove anything from a working tank. ;)


It is very possible for your tank to cycle in a week. Well at least to go through the initial spikes. However, for a tank to be established should take more than a week :) .


it's very much posible. <a href="http://briefcase.yahoo.com/bc/sivaroo/lst?.dir=/Pets&.view=t" target="_blank">Here is my tank pics that is only 3 months older.</a>


You took your biofilter from an established tank and put it in a tank with a much smaller bio-load. Because of this the hospital tank was really pre-cycled. Actually I am suprised you got a spike at all. One thing I might suggest would be to occasionally add something like a small bit of shrimp to the hospital tank to keep the bacteria "fed" so when you finally add a fish to the system the bio-filter is not at reduced capacity.