20 gal makeover


I need some help. I have a 20 gal tank with a hang on back skimmer. Lately the tank has just destroyed itself with algae and those annoying anenome that I can't think of the name right now. What I would like some advice is this:
Is it possible to make a 10 gal sump type thing, or am I dreaming? My HOB right now is an excalibur, that does ok, but...I can always hope there is better.
This doesn't sound very organized in thought, but I would like to build a sump so I can put in a better skimmer, but am limited to the space below the 20 gal tank. If a sump is not an option, then does anyone recommend a nice HOB skimmer that will work wonders?
I hope I put this is the right forum, if not please point me ini the right direction.


I have an AquaC Remora skimmer with the Maxi Jet 1200 on my 20 gallon tank. This skimmer is, in my opinion, the best hang-on skimmer out there. I used to run a Prizm, but I had terrible algae problems and several problems getting the skimmer to work properly. Now, the Remora pulls out about a cup daily, and the tank is incredibly stable for such a small water volume. It's approx. $160, which seems high for something as simple as the Remora skimmers, but it's the best thing I've done for my tank yet.
-Joe S.


Thanks for the response. My wife has told me do whateve it takes ot make it look good again. As I'm out to sea a fair bit lately, it's getting harder and harder to maintain and I want something simple for her to be able to do. I'll look into this, again...Thanks


Active Member
I'd get the remora or cpr bakpak skimmer and a tunze auto top-off. The auto -top-off is like $180 or something but the switch just hangs right on the back of yer tank and stick like a 5g. bucket under your stand and it kepp your 0g. topped of for 2-4 weeks depending on the evap. rate of your tank you could always look into a bigger bucket for under your stand to.:D


here is my setup. 20 long with 10gal sump...i have an excalibur in-sump and it works just fine. i have about 28 gallons all together and the protein skimmer is rated for 100 gallons, so that might be the difference.
top is obviously the tank, i have two drilled 3/4" returns for safety and extra flow, one return with a ball valve and mag3. my sump has a little corner area of baffles to keep micro bubbles from going across to my return pump. the 5gal jug on the center left is a auto top off that works off of pressure.
by the way, what ship are you on??? i was in norfolk for 4 years on the arleigh burke ddg-51


Nice set up with the sump. Ended up ordering the remora, we'll see how it goes. Sorry for the lack of reply but was underway for a bit. I am on the Big Stick, Theodore Roosevelt. Been on it for about 1 1/2 yrs. Was previously on the Georgia out of Bangor, WA many moons ago


It says it's good for up to 75 gal, so I don't see why not. Checked it out after I got it, looks like quite the little machine. I'm still awaiting the box that hides the pump to arrive, but overall I like it better than my previous setup. But time will tell.