20 gal reef tank


im putting together a 20 gallon nano with 45 lbs live rock 3 inch sand bed protien skimmer on back im planning to put clownfish coral and other things we have metal halide lights can anyone recommend a filtration system


Active Member
DSB, LR, and a good skimmer is all that I use on my 20, Works VERY well at keeping things in check. My coral growth is outstanding, and levels are solid as a rock.


Active Member
You should be set with your setup- the LR and the LS and the skimmer will be more than enough - I have a 20 with LR, LS and a HOB filter and with frequent water changes I am fine!


Active Member

Originally posted by overanalyzer
I am fine!

Who cares how you are...what really matters is the fishtank, and that apears to be fine to. No really though that sounds like a great set up frogz, and I could not miss a chance to mess with Overcomplicator umm I mean analyzer