20 gallon clean up crew?

Hey everyone. I am thinking about purchasing either the jbj24 gallon nano, or the 29G biocube.
My question is. When I get my clean up what should I look into getting?
1 Cleaner shrimp
2 Turbo snails
2 blue leg hermits
2 scarlet hermits
Is that about right for a 29 gallon tank? I have been looking at allot of tank pictures and can hardly see any clean up crew except a few snails on the glass, and a cleaner shrimp every now and again.
Any help would be appreciated (Perfect dark, your tank is always clear as a crystal or so it seems, what do you have?)
~Ballet Ninja


i got a 20 gallon n i have 10 hermits and 9 snails, prolly gonna pick another snail up soon. but u have to have around 12 of each if u get a 29 or 24.
Alright, I was just concerned about the ammount of space they would take up. 12 snails, and 12 crabs seems like it would over populate, but I am new and learning so 12 and 12 it is =)
Thank you for your help
~Ballet Ninja


I have around 26 assorted crabs and 30 nassarius snails in my 29 along with 2 shrimp and 2 hitchhiker snails, no problems. I have 3 mexican turbos as well for the initial algea blooms but they started to deteriorate, so I took them back. Its hard to overpopulate with a clean up crew, they do not contribute to hurting water quality too much.


Active Member
make sure you pick up some nassarius snails and cerith snails.
nass will eat anything left on the bottom....like fish waste or uneaten food.
ceriths will eat algae and meaty bits on the bottom.
both will bury them selves in the sand....which help stir your sand bed, which is good.