20 Gallon Long-I need refugium


Hi Folks,
I have a 20 Gallon long tank, I'd like to add a refugium. The smaller the better as my room is severely limited. Anyone had any ideas/suggestions? Feedback appreciated.


Originally Posted by 20Gallon
I have a 20 Gallon long tank, I'd like to add a refugium. The smaller the better as my room is severely limited. Anyone had any ideas/suggestions? Feedback appreciated.
U should make a HOB refugium using an aquaclear filter. I have one on my 10g, and it works great.


I'm definitely a fan of the Modded AquaClear fuges but I dont think even the 110/500(the biggest aquaclear filter) would be enough room for macro to adequetly do its job. As you know a 20 long is 30" long... I'd probably go the HOB route like mentioned above but be leaning towards a CPR 18" refugium. That would allow just the right amount of space for macro algae and you'd still have another 12" to throw on a skimmer or a simple HOB filter with carbon. Hope this helps.


Any info/instructions/details on how to make an Aquaclear Filter into a refugium? That may be my best bet. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Much more expensive than using a hang on filter, but AquaFuge makes a 25.5x4.5x12 inches high hang on refugium with a built in power head. Anyone evr use these?


Active Member
Has anyone considered that these AC's when turned into fuge areas don't make a considerable impact on nitrate levels or macro algae production? Don't get wrong, I can see the thought process, however, with your average nano (10g) filled with 20# of LS and 20# of LR, isn't that in essence a refugium anyway? Does anyone have a refuge hooked to a bare bottom with limited rock? I say this with my own problem child (a 10g refuge under my 10g display). However, I honestly don't see a huge difference in any levels, and aside from being able to say I have a refuge inline with my nano, it's a pain to maintain. I believe the best direction nano keepers can go in, is to start thinking small protein skimmers (DIY's) and not macro production. JMHO


Your fuge is a pain? What's a pain about it? With the exception of cleaning out the over grown macro every couple weeks I dont even have to touch mine(3 seperate fuges). Live rock and sand by themselves dont constitute a fuge either. Yeah its obviously part of it but there is allot more that goes into a fuge if done right. The flow going through it should be minimal(refugium=refuge/calm place) in comparison to your return pump or other circulation and the macro does allot more than you think. Aside from the exportation of nitrates and other undesired elements the most important part of a fuge is the generation of oxygen. Any fuge is better than no fuge. Not to mention the natural food source they become.


I went with the AC "conversion" (AC500) for my 20 hex, as there wasn't any other option as far as a HOB which would fit on the small side panels. Even so, this still required a little modification. I don't know if you'd call it an actual refugium, but I have some LR rubble and a bit of macro growing, which is harvested once or twice a month. I'm using a coralife aqualight mini for lighting. The macro does grow fairly quickly, however I can't say if it has any significant effect as far as water quality is concerned. I do have a small population of pods, and a few mysis shrimp thriving in there, so it is useful for something.
If you do decide to convert an AC filter, if you cut or file the impeller blades down, you will slow the water passing through it substantially so any pods, ect... will not be flushed out too quickly, and be allowed to establish themselves.


Active Member
I believe I grasp the complexities of what a refugium is, however, I'm still not convinced that a nano set up with as much biological filtration as the "common" nano is, really requires the services of a fuge. Just my opinion.
The pain with my refuge, I was referring to how I get water below my non-drilled 10g, to a non-drilled 10g, and back up to the display. Just the way in which I planned it out--which is to say, not at all.