20 GALLON TANK set up!


alrite guys i been asking a lot of questions on how to set up my 20 gallon...well it's finally set up and here's some pictures...thanks alot for everyones help!
so far i only have...
-12 lbs live rock
-20 lbs live sand
-5 turbo snails
-2 cinnamon clown fish
any suggestions on what kind of coral and fish other things i should add like supplements or anything??
equipment being used...
-HOT magnum filter
-aquaclear 30 power head
-24" Lunar Aqualight 2x65W / 2 Blue-Moon (Coralife)
-visitherm 100w heater
hopefully i can get more equipment like a skimmer in the future...
heres some pix enjoy....



Active Member
Looks good so far. The first thing you should do is add more live rock and fill that space up a bit better. Then aim for a skimmer. You can probably add one more fish, maybe two small ones. I would look into a psuedochromis/dottyback of some sort, maybe a damsel, or a reef chromis. You can do all sorts of soft corals with the lighting you have. And I wouldn't worry about supplements unless you get a bunch of corals.


is my power head supposed to be spitting out that much bubble?? the venturi valve decreases it but theres still bubbles?
i thought damsels and clown fish dont mix though??


Active Member
Originally Posted by bknow
is my power head supposed to be spitting out that much bubble?? the venturi valve decreases it but theres still bubbles?
i thought damsels and clown fish dont mix though??
I've never had an AC powerhead, but can't you just plug the venturi? And damsels and clowns can mix just fine. In fact, they're very closely related.


nm i got the bubbles to go away...i'm going to wait probly 2 weeks until i get another fish...im going to focus on getting more rocks and more clean up crew...my levels are so far so good also


omg i LOVE ur clowns!!!! there so small and cute when they r together. Tank looks really good so far!!! Get some coral in there and booom! u r on the go to a great looking tank.
. Good job so far.


thanks for the comments...i wanna get a bubble tip anomone to host my clowns...but i have to wait a while...


i really feel like adding something new to my tank...new live rock...clam? what you guys think


Active Member
Originally Posted by bknow
i really feel like adding something new to my tank...new live rock...clam? what you guys think
Clam is tough on that lighting and newness of the tank. Probably no Crocea. More rock is always good. Looks great


took peoples advice and added about 4 lbs of live rock...im aiming to get some corals now...hopefully very soon...


by the looks of it your tank is not cycled... did you cycle your tank??


everything bought cured from my LFS ran my tank for about 2 weeks to be sure checked my levels everythings ok


Active Member
Originally Posted by bknow
took peoples advice and added about 4 lbs of live rock...im aiming to get some corals now...hopefully very soon...
I'd wait a while before adding corals. Let the tank settle in, get into a good maintenance schedule, and make sure everything is going the way it should. It'd be a shame to start adding corals and then have something go wrong. To satisfy your desire to add something new, try a bit more rock and maybe a shrimp of some kind. It's looking good, though.


cleaner shrimp or tiger shrimp...and im definitely getting more rocks...im at about 16.5lbs i want at least 30lbs


i got the same tank, ill try n get some pics its only been set up for about 3 months. how long has urs been up for?