200 gal, stand hood and sump


Active Member
I have a stand, hood and 55 gallon sump for a 200 gallon tank. If anyone is interested. The stand and hood are both white.


New Member
Im confused...what is all included? Is it a stand, canopy and a tank? Or is it just a stand canopy and a sump?


Active Member
It is just the stand, canapy and sump. I am going to be using the tank. But I dont need the rest. My husband custom builds my stands.


New Member
It would be faster for pics, As today is my only day off till next weekend and I work 18 hour days...unless you want me to show up around midnight or 4 am one day:)


Active Member
Nope, kid gets up about 5.... I can try the pictures sometimes the CD Drive works and sometimes it doesn't. My computer guy will be home wednesday.


Active Member
hey it worked. Here is the picture. It has another door if you dont want to see into the sump. The guy I got it from used one side for seahorses.


New Member
I was kinda hopin it would match my woodwork in my house.....My wife will kill me if "It doesnt match" ah well......thanks anyway..
you got anymore pics of the rock your sellin?


what are the demensions of the stand. I have a 225g and i want to see if it'll work. If it does, I'll buy...if the price is right. I can have a truck pick it up within a week....but...if you still have it, I want prices on the sump too. Thanks