2006 Nano Cube Pump Confusion

i am here

I am a little confused about the stock pumps on the 2006 Nano Cubes. In this company link:
It says their new 24g tanks have stock pumps that are 266gph yet the individual descriptions say 290 which is also reflected in many retailer website descriptions.
It also says the new 12g DX has a stock pump with 166gph but the individual description says 106 which also is what is reflected in many reatailer websites. Now for those who don't plan on using the stock pump it doesn't matter but for those who plan to it does.
Can anyone clairify first hand what the actual gph's are for the new 2006 Cubes. I am bouncing between acouple different tank possibilities/companies and only want to have accurate info to decide with. GEE WHAT A CONCEPT BUYING/GETTING WHAT YOU THINK YOU ARE GETTING AND WHAT YOU REALLY ARE!
Thanks for any info!!!


It being newly updated JBJ probably doesn't have the website updated all the way to reflect the new features, same with the retailers. I personally have no clue what the new ratings on the pumps are, but good powerhead pumps run cooler and can be had at low cost.