20g set-up


New Member
I plan to set-up a 20 gallon nano very soon. I just want to run the set-up by you guys, see if you can spot a problem.
Water- RO of course
Lighting- Either 65W, 50/50 power compact or 130w PC or maybe even a T-5 of some sort. What do you recommend?
Water movement- Koralia 2
Filtration- 22lbs fiji live rock, 20lbs live sand
Heat- 100W Visi-therm Stealth
Salt Mix- IO reef crystals
Water changes- using a AC20 HOB to mix it with a Visi-therm 25W heater.
Livestock-CUC- 4 scarlet reef hermit crabs, 4 astrea snails, 3 nassarius snails, 2 cerith
Corals- Green star polyps, assorted zoas and palythoa, assorted shrooms, pulsing xenia or a colt.
Stocking- 1 yellow watchman goby, 1 ocellaris clown, 1 six-line wrasse.
All this will be added very slowly. What do you think?
What other kinds of corals could I do?


As far as lighting I vote for T-5's. With the corals you want you can do power compacts, but I just switched out my PC for T-5's on my 29 gal and all I can say is WOW!!!!!. Mushrooms that was brown under PC lighting now have vivid green, red and blue color. You just cant beat the color of the T-5. I have wasted some money in this hobby, but the T-5's are worth every penny.
On your fish selections, and I am sure no one has ever had this problem, but my sixline ate all of my xenia. Needless to say he went back to the store, and now I have some beautiful elongated and pom pom xenia. Just my opinion.


+1 on the T5s...definitely worth it to get those right off the bat and avoid an eventual upgrade.
I like your planning so far...sounds good...maybe think about adding a good skimmer to your equipment list. And you will have to experiment with your powerheads to see if the Koralia 2 will be enough...is it a 20g long or tall?
And I also agree with the prev. poster about the six line...they are awesome fish but they do tend to be aggressive...if you have your heart set on it you might try to add him last.
As far as corals, if you opt for a good T5 setup with individual reflectors your only real limitation would be anemones and clams. You can do LPS
and softies without any issues.
Feel free to ask any questions! Good Luck!
OHH...and don't forget to add a good liquid testing kit to your shopping list! (API SW / Reef Master Kits tend to be affordable and accurate enough for our general purpose).


I think you setup is fine. Yup you should get a skimmer for your tank as it is perhaps the most important equipment you can invest in a saltwater tank(maybe a hang on back skimmer if you do not have an overflow). Lighting I would go with the 130W PC or T-5 equivalent. Other then that all the equipment seems fine. Just remember to go slow with the setup (make sure that the tank is fully cycled with live rock and live sand in it ... blah blah blah ..... before you put any critters or anything else. Would stay away from the six line wrasse


definately go t5,(compacts stink). you will have way more options for coral and they will have better color.


New Member
Ok, I've heard a lot about six-lines and I've been thinking.
Maybe replacing it with a royal gramma. What do you think of that? Would it bother my watchman goby or any inverts?