20gallon hospital


I am curently treating for ich. I have a coral beauty that is gonna die ( i am very sad about that) and a yellow watchman goby ( he is hardier then superman) in there. I am treating with hypo-salinity for the ich and it seems to be gone. The fish have been in there for about 3 weeks and i am gonna bring the specific gravity up to about .020 over the next week. My "display" tank is only 29 gallons. I am thinking of adding 2 chalk bass. and 3 pj cardinals do you all think that is too much for this tank with the yellow watchman. I have 30lbs of live sand and about 35lbs of live rock ( i am adding to the rock work). The coral beauty is gonna die as it has started a head spin which i think is an infection to the nervous system and i dont know that it is cureable. I you guys think that is too much plz let me know and also a couple suggestions would be nice as to what to stock my tank with. Also they will be going in the quarentine tank with the yellow watchman goby ( for about 2 more weeks min.)


Active Member
Are you checking the QT for PH drop? With Hpo-salinity parameters such as PH must be monitored very close. Spinning is usually caused by brain damage. Are you also keeping an eye on the ammonia level? Does your watchman have ich?{it is unusual for a goby to get ich due to their slime coat}