20H nano questions


So I'm starting my 20H nano.
The filter is a whisper 20 I think, I think I'm also going to get a Rio Nano skimmer (not the best skimmer, but better than nothing) or perhaps a Prism if I can find one on auction. So in the vein, how many more gph should I look at flow wise? I was thinking about a K1 or a K-nano but I don't want to over do it in the flow dept. Any suggestions? (Thinking mostly softies, some soft LPS, and maybe a couple branching SPS in the "roof" of the aquarium.
Also, for fish, can I keep a pair of O clowns and a yellow tail blue damsel? The O clowns my LFS has are 1/2 inch and the damsel (already have it) is 1" but it would be introduced after the clowns. The other fish I'm considering are "barred" gobies or "zebra" gobies (dartfish). I'm just not sure yet, I'll have to revisit that later.
Also I'm lighting with a 70w MH, anyone see this as an issue?


Active Member
IMO you should buy a aquaclear 70 or 110.
light the 70mh is good for the sps but make sure they are high up from mid to high the placement.
fish dont do the damsel. really aggressive. you may think now but down the road they will get.
a pair of clowns is perfect. the dartfish idk.
flow Koralia 1 for the sps, and lps.
if you can get 2 that would be better. remember you want flow around the tank so no detritus falls in the back instead get suck up by the filter.


With the aquaclears do you mean for a fuge mod, or for filtration? The 110 flows 500 gph, K2 is 600 gph, thats 1100 wow :)
What about coralife's new circulation pumps they look like the K's and 750 gph is only like $25 "that place" i shop sometimes.


Active Member
i didnt mean the k2. i meant 2 k1. you can get the aquaclear 70 and get the 2 Koralia1. like i said we want flow.

idk about the pump nor i have read on anyone using them. the koralia you can find them good the e-bay.
and the mod for the refugium


Okay, If I mod an aquaclear for a refugium, should I have some kind of filter for mechanical (I know I can toss a carbon bag in the fuge if need be). And if I have a fair amount of live rock and an aquaclear fuge, do you think I'd be able to sustain a mandarin? My LFS just got the cutest on I've ever seen in, not even an inch long (the 6-line wrass they got is smaller). Somehow I doubt it :(


Active Member
you can keep a mandarin but once you have a huge population of pods like in 5 months to 6. and yes you can toss chemipure elite and purigen


So you're saying I dont need mechanical filtration, just bio plus maybe chemipure/purigen ?
Originally Posted by nissan577
you can keep a mandarin but once you have a huge population of pods like in 5 months to 6. and yes you can toss chemipure elite and purigen