20L nano (still in the works)


This is my 20L nano tank. I've had it running for about 5 months now, not many corals yet, just a few frag's. This was a FOWLR, but I upgraded the lighting and since most of my fish are reef safe, I decided to convert it to a mini reef tank.
15LBs of LR
25LBs of LS
aquaclear 20 hangon filter
Prizm protien skimmer
aqualife 130 watt PC
1 powerhead 170gph
1 percula clown (temp while my mom's tank cycles)
1 blue damsel (temp while my mom's tank cycles) 1 more week!
1 lawnmower blenny
1 strawberry Pseudochromis
1 royal gramma
2 featherdusters
Xenia frag
orange button polyps frag
Some green looking thing frag ( couldnt under stand the guy who sold me the frag)
White thing frag (same as about)
green star frag
My LR might look alittle dark since it was taken over by Cyano, but hopefully it will be cleared up in about a week. In the process of treating it. Enjoy the pic's.



The LTA is only going to be in there maybe a month at the most. I got a 54g corner tank, just need to get the lighting. It has enough lighting for now for that little tank. When I first got him, it was pretty much completely white and about the size of a quarter. The local ***** had him under regular bulbs. I wasn't going to get him, but they sold him to me for $7(tricked the lady there saying it was a condy not a LTA since it was white), plus I felt sorry for it. Not even a day went by and all the color came back and now it's about 5 or 6 inches wide. It looks happy to me.