210 crashed(not my fault) new sock list



My 210 crashed while i was in the hospital. I only had a SFE and two volitans. What would ya'lls stock be. I'm thinking about some sort of dwarf lion but all recommendations are wrlcome Looking for ideas other thatn what I had. Only thing that can't be included is a blue ribbon(they belong in the ocean) but other that, lets dance. Lots of free time to research (out of the offic for at least two months while i recover) whatever ya'll recommedn


How about an Undulated Trigger and a Fimbriated Eel? Undy and Fimby??
No Good?
Okay, Okay....How about some big active tangs to go with your Lion. Sailfin, Naso and Achilles might be a good start.
Do you have anything you have always wanted?
Fully agree about the ribbon eel...Robert Fenner (noted author) estimates about 97% die within a month in captivity.
Can your Tigers handle the mighty Bulldogs tonight?? Football is back


New Member
I am finishing a 200 myself, so this is a good thread for me.
I was thinking Harlequin Tusk, really cool fish if you put him in first and let him get acclimated!
Gotta love a puffer to go in there.
Vlamingi of Naso.
XL niger trigger. I just love that fish.
Any more ideas?