210 FOWLR with LR no cycle ???


I just set up a 210 with about 100lbs of live rock/ dry sand. I also put in about a dozen damsels with normal feeding schedule. one died and I let it decompose in the tank. Over a week in and 0 cycle? The rock was completely cured already and only about a 15 minute commute to introduction in tank. I am hearing I might not see a cycle at all?
Water is clear..no sign of anything at all 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 trate.
Did the live rock negate the cycle? Am I actually ready for a fish or two?


Well-Known Member
Healthy live rock will already have a substantial bacterial load so that you won't see a cycle. You are also working with a fairly large volume of water, so the actual amount of ammonium required to produce a measured amount is considerable - one fish rotting might not do it. In theory you could add fish (slowly), but I am concerned about the damsels - they are nasty little buggers that become very nasty medium buggers as they grow. Nevertheless, if you add fish slowly ( and have some Amquel+ on standby) I think you will be fine.


agreed on the damsels. However, the tankmates will be tough competition...lion fish, harlequin wrasse, emporer angel, dogface puffer, trigger of some sort


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ebaybrad http:///t/396587/210-fowlr-with-lr-no-cycle#post_3533791
I just set up a 210 with about 100lbs of live rock/ dry sand. I also put in about a dozen damsels with normal feeding schedule. one died and I let it decompose in the tank. Over a week in and 0 cycle? The rock was completely cured already and only about a 15 minute commute to introduction in tank. I am hearing I might not see a cycle at all?
Water is clear..no sign of anything at all 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 trate.
Did the live rock negate the cycle? Am I actually ready for a fish or two?
IME it is extremely rare to not have nitrates even if you have a "silent" cycle.

With plants active and growing (macro algae, corraline on the rocks fo rinstance) the algae will consume ammonia and prevent the spikes.

But with live rock there is still some organics and possibly (probabily) nitrates being released directly.

So you can get an initial nitrate spike but no ammonia nor nitrIte spike.

I would definately keep an eye on the system as a few damsels in a 210g tank may not be much of an initial bioload. and the cycle may not yet been fully completed.

I would have also used mollys instead of damsels but that just me

and my .02