210 gallon reef setup in FL. $1350


210 gallon all glass tank w/ 2 built in overflows
Beautiful oak cabinet and canopy
wet/dry filtration system
800 watt halogen lighting system with ballast
huge protein skimmer
huge UV sterilizer (unkown condition haven't used in a year was in perfect working order)
1400 gph pump
2 powerheads
over 200 pounds of live sand
plus varius other odds and ends.
Entire System is about 3 years old. Come check it out for yourself, it's really a great setup. I'm located in Tallahassee FL.
$1350 o.b.o.
Call me at (850) 980-7296 with questions. I'll do my best to answer but I'm no expert. I'll work on getting some pictures up.


florida is not that far from nc. Go rent a minivan for the weekend and pull the seats out. ROADTRIP! I drove from Massillon, Ohio to Atlanta Georgia for a setup it's no big deal. When I'm ready for my next tank 180 or so thats what i'LL DO AGAIN. i WON'T BUY NEW TOO MUCH $$.


I will work on some pictures. It may be next week before I get them up, as I am going out of town this weekend.