210 Gallon with frogfish. How Many?



In a few days we will be moving a 210 gallon tank to our home. I have had my eye on a frogfish or two and have been web surfing and reading past posts here and still have a few questions.
-- How many frogfish can ?peacefully? live in a 210 gallon tank?
-- Knowing these are aggressive and tiny bottomless pits in the lunch room area, are they anemone friendly?
-- Are they susceptible to any specific illnesses? All fish are, but are these weaker than most in this area?
-- While researching, couldn't find much regarding special care and behavior. Does anyone have information links they can provide?
BTW I don't plan on having much in this tank besides the frogfish and making the tank very comfortable for it. Frogfish only.
Thanks in advance -- Yvette


Active Member
Frogfish/Anglers are great fish but pretty much have to be on their own, they will swallow up anything even their own kind.


Al is right on...anglers do best in single fish, single species setups.
One issue with anglers is a little understood malady known as SAD (Sudden Angler Disease), where a seemingly healthy fish begins darting around the tank, bloats and dies in pretty short order. We lost our first three anglers this way.
Another issue with anglers is that they are often overfed, or fed food items that are too large, even tho they can swallow food up to twice their size. Anglers have extremely slow metabolisms, and too much food/too large a meal can literally begin to decompose in the fish's GI tract, which of course, kills the fish.
Anglers are also very susceptible to being picked at by "browsing" fishes, as they resemble rocks, plants, and sponges.
As for anglers and 'nems, I wouldn't keep one with carpets or anything with a super strong sting.