210 stocking list


I have a new 210 gal. (72 x 28 x 24). Here's my potential stocking list. How does it look?
What order would you add them to the tank? I'm still in the planning stage and it will be months before I begin adding. I would like to start with FOWLR but then grow into a reef system.
1 naso tang
1 yellow tang
1 sailfin tang
2 false clownfish
1 flame angel
1 flame hawk
1 royal gramma
1 chalk basslet
3 bangii cardinal
5 green chromis
1 midas blenny
1 clown goby
1 pistol shrimp
3 cleaner shrimp
nassarius snails - how many?
cerith snails - how many?
scarlet hermits - how many?
turbo snails - how many?
Would this be a balanced system? I will have a 2" sand bed.


Active Member
I'm no expert but I think your royal gramma, chalk bassalt and clown goby would hide alot and have trouble getting food. The other problem is that flame hawks eat shrimp. the tank might also be a bit overstocked. Here is a revised edition with adult sizes.
1 naso tang 18"
1 yellow tang 8"
1 sailfin tang 14"
2 false clownfish 4"each
1 flame angel 5" (might not be 100% reef safe)
3 bangii cardinal 3"each
5 green chromis 3"each
1 midas blenny 5"
1 pistol shrimp & yellow watchman goby 4"
3 cleaner shrimp
No guarentees but I think this will work. :happyfish


looks like a pretty good list. the only compatability issues that i see are: like stated above, the hawk and shrimp, and the mixing of basslets( i would choose either the chalk or the royal gramma).
i don't think that this system will be overstocked, imo.
as for order of fish: the clowns should go in the tank at the same time, the chromis together, and the cardinals together also. the tangs and the angel shouldn't be added until the system is established for a couple months. i would add the yellow tang last.
as for the number of snails and hermits: 30-50 of each, imo.
side note: i don't know if the clown goby will pair with the pistol shrimp(if that is the goal).


Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
2 angelfish is a BIGGGGGGG mistake



Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
2 angelfish is a BIGGGGGGG mistake

Other than the Flame Angel, what other fish was an Angel? I'm still learning.. so please pardon me :help:


Active Member
This is just what I heard from some people,(I found it to be true), that two of the same shaped tangs fight each other and unless added at the same time you should have an odd number of tangs of the same shape. But some get along with two in different cases. That's just what I found true.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
This is just what I heard from some people,(I found it to be true), that two of the same shaped tangs fight each other and unless added at the same time you should have an odd number of tangs of the same shape. But some get along with two in different cases. That's just what I found true.

Sometimes they just pick on a specific one. Like a friend of mine's tank, she's got a 270g tank and she had to get rid of her hippo tang because all the other tangs ganged up on it, but everyone else is getting along just fine. She's got Kole Tang, Powder Blue Tang, Naso Tang, and Sailfin Tang plus numerous other fish.....It just depends on the fish's personality.... :happyfish