220 gallon tank


As some of you know i'm getting a 220 gallon tank realy soon. What fish should I get? This is what i'm thinking..
1 Zebra eel. (11 in.)
1 Male Blue Jaw triggerfish(5 in.)
1 Queen triggerfish (2 or 3 in.) This fish is goin in for sure, i've always wanted one, it'll be going in last and will be the smallest.
1 Australian Harlequin tusk (5 in.)
1 Miniatus or blue line grouper(3 or 4 in.)
What do you think? Will this do good?


It sounds pretty good, but you might want to take out the bluejaw trigger. It sound like the tank would be pretty crowded. Well, how is the tank gonna be filtered? You might have to juggle some fish around between your tanks to make it balance out.


Thanks Mark. The lfs where i'm gettin my tank has a wet dry filter up to 300 gallons. So should I drop the male blue jaw?


Thanks for the quick responses mark.O ya I forgot about that. I'm not sure right now, but I am leaning toward a Red Sea Berlin "HO". With that filtration can I keep the male blue jaw?


Yeah, I think that a male bluejaw could work, but you might have juggle some fish between your tanks to fine tune it.


Thanks mark again. Just one more q. What grouper should I get the miniatus or the blue line? I liek them both, but I can only get 1 what one should i get?


I've been thinking about this, and here's an idea
250-Queen trigger, blue line, clown, blueline grouper
220-Niger, blue jaw, panther grouper, harlequin tusk
And those 3 eels are interchangable, but I think you should keep it they way it is, and put the zebra in the 220. The only problem with eels is that they can become cannablistic, so be cautious.
Now you'll have a super mean 250, and a semi-mean 220. I think it would work out better this way.
And I did the math and figured out that in both tanks that there is about 4.5 gallons per inch of fish, which a reasonable number.
[ October 28, 2001: Message edited by: Mark-24 ]


Thanks mark for the hardwork. I'll probably do that. But, my fish get so along with the other tank. I'll probibly do what you said. Triggahappyclown, I already have a blueline triggerfish. And they have also coloration! :D Thanks again mark.


No problem. And the main reason I moved the fish around is size. And keep us updated, I'd love to see pictures.


New Member
I know you have your heart set on a queen trigger but you might want to reconsider. Have you ever seen a full-grown one? I've seen one in a 400 gallon tank and it looked pretty cramped. Granted the tank was kind of a weird shape, but still you should think about it. I dont know the dimensions of a 220 or a 250 but if they're not at least 8 feet long, I wouldn't do it. That queen I saw was by far the biggest trigger i'd ever seen...I was shocked by its size so I was just curious if you knew how big they get. Just my two cents.
i know what you mean pork i seen a full grown one kinda scary isnt it. it should be able to be in there for a while though. i can tell top wants one really bad so he should till he can hopefully upgrade.
i want one too oneday. i think a tank that will be perfect for it is something like a swimming pool. i seen one in probably a 1000g or more and that tank still looked too small for it.


Ya when I get the tank and the fish i'll post pics. I want a queen soooooo bad, when it does get that big, it'll be a long time to get there, I will probably have the bucks to upgrade, or at least sell it to a shop. One of my lfs, keeps BIG triggerfish. And I know they'll love to get a big queen triggerfish. But, the thing is about that, is that i'll get attached to the queen so much, so i'll probibly, buy a huge tank when he does get big. I'm only getting him at 2 in. So it's gonna take a while for him to grow that big.
get it. it will be a while till it get big and if you do decide to sell him you will get a good price. you will get attached and probably have the beans to get a bigger tank. if i had a digital camera i would take a picture of that full grown one. it is huuuuge! it is at the steinhart aquarium here in the bay.


And I don't think that triggers are that fast of growers so, a 250 gallon tank will be great for the Queen for well over a year.


Ya, I think the 250 will be good for a lot longer to though. My Niger Triggerfish has been in there for about 8 mos. He has only grown 1 1/2 in. Thanks again!


Instead of the Berlin HO,I would get the Berlin turbo XL.I have a Berlin turbo "HO" on my 90,so with a tank as large as that the XL would be better,and its the same price.