2217 Eheim Cannister Filter Question


Does anyone else use this filtration? My LFS really likes this particular model and uses it in many of his show tanks in the store. Seems clean and easy to do. I know most here seem to use sump but I just did not have the knowledge or the room for that setup. Any ideas what i can add to this to make total efficient? I am adding a protein skimmer once my cycle is complete and do have 2 power heads for circulation that seem to really move the water well. Also, have lots of little stuff like die off that are still attched to the live rocks but just hanging on. Is there a best way to clean this off, or do I just leave for now? How can I get a few die off stuff out of the sand without sucking up the sand? A pic is attached of my new tank. 90 gallon. Upgraded lighting to 260Watt with actinic and lunar moon lights. Will be just doing a few soft coral and some community fish. Thanks for any info in advance.


I use an Eheim 2215. I haven't had any problems with it however I converting my FOWLR to a reef and my intention is to remove the Eheim and alow my LR and HOB Fuge to fliter my water. I have also thought about adding another HOB Fuge. I have a protein skimmer also. If you don't clean that Eheim often Every 2 weeks or more you will have high nitrates in your tank. I see you live in Tennessee have you heard of the Middle Tennessee Reef Club?


I have heard of it a little. I want to check that out. I got most of my setup at aquatic critters. They told me that you only have to ocassionally rinse the filter pad in the ehiem and that you don't have any other maintenance on it for like 3 to 6 months when you just replace 1/2 of these rocks in there. Is this not accurate?
I run an ehiem as well on my 75. It is the ehiem professional ll I do monthly changes of the media in it. DO NOT change everything in it at once. I do becuase I have a fluval on this tank too.. so I do change all in one then all in the other.
I also use the fluval if I need to run anything like phosphate remover or an x-tra carbon etc... I also run a backpak 2 skimmer, very good skimmer.
My nitrates have always run high.. I dunno why. BUT, i just tested my tap water and it has about 20ppm anyway. I just ordered my RO/DI so this should change. I always do weekly water changes NOT monthly due to my nitrates. Just the way I have to go with my tank... No biggie, I am used to it.
BTW.. I am DIY stupid, so I went with simplicity.. LOL


The Eheim on a FOWLR should be OK with less maintenance I have never had any Nitrates in my tank since it cycled. however I would not risk letting the Eheim go longer than two weeks without cleaning on a reef tank. Just my opinion. And that of many others. Best advice is monitor your nitrates often and respond accordingly. If you want more info on the Middle Tennessee Reef Club e-mail me: bryanlittle@gimail.af.mil


I too have an Eheim 2217 for over a year now - seems to be working great - no complaints here. And I do monthly water changes, but I flush the canister each time with tank water before I put in a clean "fine" filter pad to flush out any large particles that got sucked up in there. So far, I haven't changed any of the media except for the blue course filter pad. I don't have that many corals - about six - and they seem fine. Anyway, that's my story :D
ps: KimKissyFish - I too am DIY stupid


I also run an eheim mainly for the water movement. I took all the bio material out. My Nitrates were high and hair algea was a problem. I now run only carbon in it and keep it running for carbon and water movement. Nitrates have dropped and hair algea is receding.