

New Member
Ok i have a quick question, my tank has been cycling for about 1 week and on my substrate(cc gonna try to get ls) there is this orangish brown stuff and there is some on my lr also i was wondering what is this stuff?


yes it will. One of the final steps in the cycling process. You can get a clean up crew to assist in this. I.E. hermies, snails, crabs, ect.


New Member
Can you put a clean up crew in before the cycle is complete? If so, how soon after you've started the cycle? I've ordered my tank and I'm trying to learn as much about the cycling process before I begin.


once the cycle is complete... or they may never speak to you again...
BTW, the diatoms do go away quite quickly... But unless you want to go in and clean all the glass yourself, make sure you get a few snails... turbos just love that stuff...