24/7 will it work


Happy day..I set up my cpr hang on refugium. I found some razor caulerpa. I found a jalli pc light to fit the fuge. I have read that you should light it 24/7 to avoid the caulerpa releasing spores. The problem is the light from the hang on shines into my tank. I dont want this to stress my corals and fish. Should I leave it on or would you turn it off at night. Also where is the best place to get caulerpa. I cant find a variety here in Ca.


Active Member
I would figure out a way to block that light because 24/7 is beneficial, and I can probably get what you are looking for and mail it to ya. I live up near the bay area, so overnight shipping really only takes about 8 hours. What kind are you looking for?
Is the back of your tank clear? I have a hang on ecosystem, and the lights are on 24/7. The back of my tank is covered in black plastic, and there is very little light that reaches the tank. The light that does go in the tank is VERY dim, kind of like a moonlight effect.
You need to leave the light on 24/7 so that the caulerpa doesn't go sexual.
Sorry, but I don't live in Ca anymore.


Bronco..Thanks I am looking for any variety. I have some sawblade, but I heard you should try and have two or three types in your fuge.
Tracklighter..The back of my tank is black. A little light shines thru the top. It is a moonlight effect. I just didnt want this to stress the fish or corals at night. So in your opinion I shouldnt worry about the light shining slightly thru the top.
Coralboy..Thanks for the offer. I dont know when I will be in the San Dimas area. If it is no hassle maybe you can overnight me some. I have a Fed ex account.


Would a atinic light work for caulerpa. I currently have 1/2. The light shining in my tank is low, but I'm the kind that doesnt even like to turn the room lights on after the tank lights go out. Boomer or Sammy do you have any opinion on this. Thanks


I just started my refugum about two wks ago. It is in the next room and drains into the main tank thru a hole I drilled thru the wall. It is a 20gal long tank with a power compact. I have some live rock, about 2 1/2 in sand and several kinds of algae. This is the first I have heard of 24/7 on the lights. I have been running mine for 12 hr a day on a different time schedule as the main tank. Is everyone saying the lights need to be on 24/7? This does not cause a problem with other algaes? Thanks. terry


Active Member
24/7 keeps it from going sexual. Also makes the PH way more stable.I use on actinic and one full spec bulb NO on mine