24 aquapod...with pics!!!!!!

matt b

Active Member
its ok but i dont think your gonna have much room for corals bcus all those rocks are standing straight up


looks good but yeah you may have to rearrange that back rock to make sort of a plateau...i am from the jacksonville/anniston area so about 1.5-2 hours south of you


Active Member
dont bother...
most corals you buy- unless they are frags, are going to come on a nice piece of rock.
you are going to re-aquascape a few times to fit things in.
Just leave it alone for now and enjoy it. When it doesnt work anymore, just move it around.
no ones tank stays the same as the first day they set it up... if it is, its rare. Especially in a nano because we are so limited.
I have a Ap24 and Ive redone my rocks a ton of times to accomodate corals. I try not to. but what can you do. Just try not to move the rocks that are in the sand so you dont stir up the sand bed, that can release too much bacteria and cause a mini cycle, but the stuff above the sand is fine

Good Luck!


IF I can get a picture of him I have a goby eel.. And I think he is by far the coolest looking eel.. I don't like the wrinkly heads.. LOL


Ok so I tried to do a seach on him and he is not a eel... but looks just like one What I have is a adult engineer gobie.. Stupid LFS
Here is what one looks like.. but this is not my fish..


hey i just did some research on those and there engineer gobys
ok i think i have my full stock list
ok here goes....fish
2 occelaris clowns
1 firefish
1 snowflake eel(or engineer goby
clean up crew:
1 pom-pom crab
1 fire shrimp
4 nassarus snails and 4 turbo's
6 blue-legged hermits 3 scarlets
torch coral
sun coral
spiderman zoos(plus others im not sure of)
various mushrooms(including blue)
i guess thats it for now,of course theres gonna be more but thats it for now


That's a nice list.. I really wanna work on adding coral's now and maybe 1 more fish but im not sure what fish to add to my group.


Gold stripe maroon clown
~ Tiny hippo tang ~ he will be moved to bigger tank when needed.
~ Goby Eel
~ Peppermint shrimp
~ sexy shrimp
~ 10-15 crabs
~ 2 bumble bee snails
~ 1 turbo snail
~ 1-2 porcelain crabs