24 Gal Aquapod cloudy water


So I have a 24 Gal Aquapod, I am very happy with it and everything is doing fine, I do my weekly water changes but I am seem to be doing it more every 5 days because the water gets cloudy, I am not sure why I have cleaned all of my filters very well. everything is growing fine, here are some pix just wondering if anyone has a idea whats going on?


Only feed tank once a day, change 5 gallons of water & clean filters once every other week, I put the day time lights on for like 3hrs & the night time lights for another 3hrs thats it.
Check water level & test the water like 2 times a week.
Take the bio balls out & put crushed live rock behind there, & install a maxi jet 900 power head for good water flow, if you wana get crazy put a 150 hqi light top on it and then you can use a protein skimmer as well and it will be modded out.

Your tank looks good by the way !
