24 gallon nano fish list


Active Member
my boyfriend and i just bought a 24 gallon nano from our fish store, it has been set up in the stor for i think she said 2 years, it came with a pair of cardnals, my boyfriend wants a clown fish (maybe a pair) i was wondering what other fish we could have, i know there isnt really alot of room but if the fish do get to big i have a 55 and a 90 that they could go in, but anyways what fish list do all of you have for your 24
thanks babyb


i think four is the limit,but ya i dont have my fish yet but i think im gonna go with two clowns a snowflake eel and a firefish but i think if you got two clowns that should be all the fish yuou get,but make sure you add the clowns at the same time(or the one that you added first will beat the other one up and possibly kill it)


Active Member
I would say a pair of perculas or 1 more fish. Maybe a...
  • firefish
    dwarf angel (bi-colored, coral beauty, flame)
    royal gramma
    there are a lot more


What if smaller species of Gobies were selected? Could a greater number of them be kept? Or should you just always shoot for ~4 fish in a 24g?


Active Member
that really sux, i was hoping for more options, i dont really want him to get rid of the cardinals because they are a pair and have been together for 2 years and if they go to the fish store i dont think they will sell them as a pair


Active Member
There are more options, what fish are you intersted in? You might be able to get 4 but you would have to do religous water changes


Well you can put the cardinals in your 55 or 90 right? You could stick your cardinals in there and then you would have room for 2 clowns and another 1-2 fish depending on what they are.


Active Member
i could but i dont want the cardinals i think they are so ugly lol, thats mean but there big red eyes just freak me out
today we went by the fish store that we got the tank from and talked to her, we ended up on a small maroon clown and a small frag of orange zoos ill post some pics in a min, the zoos werent open so i didnt get a pic of them, and my pic taking skills arent the best so bare with me