24 gallon pics


Let me know what ya'll think and any suggestions! What kind of corals do you think I should add? The mushrooms are not fully opened up and the trumpet coral is coming back from being a midnite snack for my big hermit crab (yes I know he is not reef safe, but I love him, he just needs to be fed often)



New Member
How long did that take you to get going?
Do you have the bio balls and ceramic rings in your filtration?


Tank looks great! Very unique rock work. One thing, however, there is no space between the LR and the glass. You will get algae build up in that area and you will not be able to clean the glass unless you move the rocks in that area. Just a heads up!
Again, very nice job and good luck with the cube!


Thanks guys! I had everything in therein a 15 gallon but changed it over into that about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Everything love it in there and I'm happy I got it. I took the bioballs and ceramic rings out, isn't that what you are supposed to do? I've only had a tank a year and a half and don't know much! I put some space between the rocks and the glass so I should be able to get in between them. I have a royal gramma in there and he likes spots between the glass and the rocks so he can still watch everything. There should be just enough room to clean the algae. Any suggestions of corals that would look nice? I lost my alveopora in the change and I'm not sure if I should get another.


Zoos would look great spread around the rock work. They will do nicely and don't need a lot of light to thrive. Mushrooms should do great as well.


I think I will get some zoos. My LFS had a small frag for $28 and they were neon green. If they still have them I'll get them. They haven't had many corals recently so I'm debating if I should save my money until they get a large shipment in so I can make sure I get what I really want.

lisa g

I like it. I think some zoos would look good to add some color like orange or pinkish. Maybe some chili coral. Coll tank and crab.


I was going to try to get a frogspawn and soom zoos very cheap, but the guy who was selling it just sold it today. Too late:( I'm going coral shopping this weekend in atlanta and hope to at least get some zoos. Thanks for the suggestions and I'll keep a look out for the ones you suggested!


I have calcium and amino acids and one other thing that i think is for keeping calcium and ph stable but I'm not sure. What should I use? This is what my LFS said I would need, but I have upgraded since then too.


Here are some update shots of the tank after today's shopping! I added a 50+ polyp zooanthid rock (purple combo rock), a monitpora (we'll see if it survives, only paid $10 for it from a guy who was breaking his tank down, got the zoas from him too), and 2 orange ricordias with sponge or something on the rock(let me know if you know what this is!). The guy also gave me 3 stalks of xenia and about 5 polyps of beautiful fire zoas. I'm going to rearrange the new corals tomorrow, I just put them in for tonite.
