24 Nano Problems


New Member
So I started my nano about 4 weeks ago. I put in 20lbs of live rock and i want to say 10lbs of live sand. I added a damsel to get the cycle goin faster and my tank was steady for a good week. After that week i had a massive attack of brown algea so i added 5 snails to eat it up. Once the algea dissapeared i noticed some hitchhickers (hundreds of :confused: little white bugs, and like a 6 legged jellyfish). Then this last week my tank was extremely cloudy. Im assuming that its the ammonia becuase that is a little high, which is going to happen when the tank is cycleing. What can i do to get rid of this nastey water? i tried a 25% water change but that didnt to anything, if anything it made it worse? Im new at this and need some help! what can i do??? :help: :confused:


hmm... what is your equip.?
and can you desribe the bugs/jellyfish
prob just pods
but they wont be swimming around
when did you put in the LR in that 4 week time period


New Member
I have a 24gal Nano Cube. I put the LR in when i was first setting up the tank. I went to my LFS and they said they didnt know what the little bugs were but they did say that they were not a problem because i could see them in their tank and my damsel was eating them. They are soo small and crawl all over my rock and walls of my tank. They can jump swim and move really really fast. The jellyfish had like 6 transparent legs with like an orange circle in the middle. I only saw it one day and it dissapeared.


i'm wondering if it could be copepods ... which is good
still curious about your cloudy water ... what other types of filtration do you have... do you still have your ceramic rings and bio balls in your cube


New Member
I talked to my LFS and they said i should try a poly filter along with the ceramic rings, bio balls, and the sponge. Do the poly filters work well?


like poly fiber?
if you are try to have a reef nano .. then i would suggest pulling out the sponge bioballs and ceramic rings and let the LR and LS do all the filtration
but that is just IMO


My suggestion would be to disregard what your LFS is telling you. From your discription the little whitebugs sound like copepods, if they don't know that you're better off going somewhere else.
Tuningvis is correct about removing the ceramic rings and bio balls. Replace with LR rubble. Also, at only 4 weeks your tank is probably still cycling. Don't do any more water changes until all levels are at zero. Then do a 25 percent change. The brown algae are diatoms, a natural occurance in the cycle.
Do some more research here. Search for threads on pods, and nanocube filters, diatoms, etc. for info.