24 or 29 gallon tank


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I am looking at getting  a24-29 gallon reef tank. I am having troubles finding a 29 online.  ONe I did find was a 24 with these specs:
 Aquapod 24 Gallon Nano Aquarium
# 24 Gallon Seamless Front Glass Aquarium
# 64 Watt Sunpaq Lighting
# 1x32w Dual Daylight (6,700K + 10,000K) lamp included
# 1x32w Dual Actinic (420nm + 460nm) lamp included
# 2 Nocturnal Blue Lunar Lights included
# Integrated Cooling Fan
# Built-in Internal Filtration
# 290 GPH Pump Included
# Sponge, Ceramic Rings, Carbon and Bio Ball Media Included
# Dimensions: 19.75"x17"x20" (LxWxH)
 for about $210 with shippiong
would it be siginicantly cheaper if you buy all the items seperate and buy a rectangle glass tank. Or would I be able to get better equipment for aroudn the same price? 
If anyone could help me with what type of equipment or what brand of tank/setup I should get please email me or reply. 


Nope, wont ever be cheaper, but you will need to add a couple things to the aquapod to make it worth your while.


Nudi, what exactly did you add to your pod? mine seems ok, except the lack of a skimmer has my water surface not so good.. i do weekly water changes.. but... anyway.. what's on yours? (please be as specific as possible since ill probably go out and buy the same stuff you have cause your tank is awesome o__O (specially as far as cleaning/filtration stuff goes)


Oookay here we go .. :cheer:
As for the tank.
Regular Aquapod24 with the bioballs in the back and the blue sponge thing that comes with it.
1 Rio Powerhead (hidden behind rocks in center of tank and blasting straight out to add horizontal flow.
1 'Poly Filter' Pad (google it, they're about 5 bucks, they pull out phosphates, amm, heavy metals, and organics so I dont have to worry about RO/DI water, it also turns a gross color when its ready to be replaced)
1 Pack of Activated Carbon/Synthetic Carbon mix (any brand is fine)
1 Pacific Coast Chiller (its too expensive to keep the house cold so I keep the tank cold)
1 Thermometer with seperate probe.
1 Fission Mini Skimmer (a bit useless but eh...had thirty bucks to waste and it does increase flow and filter out small particulate)
What the tank has in it now:
30lbs LR
20lbs LIVE Aragonite Sand (with added bacteria pouch)
Cleaner Crew:
(keeps it PRISTINE)
10 Baja Hermits
2 Electric Blues (would return them if I could, they knock corals around all the time being so big and fight)
3 Nassarius (plenty for a small sandbed)
5 Astraea Snails (good for glass and rocks)
1 Rather Enormous Gigas clam
1 Cleaner Shrimp (food stealing little B*stard.)
2 Tube Worms
Added One Week Apart (Sometimes 2) to let bacteria adjust.
2 Occellaris Clowns
2 Yellow Watchman Gobies
1 Sixline Wrasse
Large Branching Hammer
Assorted Shrooms
Plenty O' Zoos
Get yourself a refractometer, dont booother with those hydrometers, they are never calibrated right and it can be a horrible thing to get wrong in your tank, age your water, test frequently, After I change something (add coral or fish) I test every other day for a week or so, and then once a week before doing a 2 gallon water change.
2 Candy Canes