240 Agg FOWLR - Almost there, need info?


Active Member
Just converted my 240 to a FOWLR. 300lbs of LR, Wet/Dry, 2" sand, PC 50/50 (8x65watts) Blue and 10k.
I am moving some of my big boys out of a cramped 75 and adding some others. Need help topping off the list.
Here goes
Must Have

V Lion - Have
Miniatus Grouper - Have
Large Snowflake - Have
Harlequin Tusk Aussie - getting
Queen Angel - getting
Golden Moray (aka Banana, Canary, Goldentail morph)
Now for the dither/color fish...this is where I need the help to top off the list.

1-3 Yellow Tang(s) - Algae control, color, and active
Naso Tang - Active & color
Niger Trigger - Cool & color, but worried about Lion
1-3 Porkfish - Active School, color, hardy, but get large
Banana Wrasse - Active, color, but worried about the Tusk
Is my main stock list already too much, or would 1-2 of the possibles work?

pogi pants

if i were u, i'd just get the naso tang and the lunar wrasse. then just get lots of snails and hermits for algae control


Active Member
snails and hermits wont last long with his list
IMO maybe down the road (3-6 months) iw ould add maybe one or two more fish, but if its a new tank i would let it get good and ready over a period of time for the bioload...


Active Member
Let's be clear, this list will be added slowly over a year probably. I just want to know if it would work. And which of the Possibles would be a better choice?