240 Gallon set up for $1,000 good buy?

My friend told me that.......One of pet store is clearing up the space and sale brand new JetStream-made 240 gallon (96X24X24) tank, stand, and canpony for $1,000. Is it a steal deal?
No pre-drill holes available.......:(
yes its a good deal im just now tring to open a fish store. so I have all the wholesale prices and perfecto maf.has a 265 gal. 84"24"30" at my cost its $1050.86 ooo and that is for the tank only pine stand for $279.04 oo and the glass canopy $78.42


I agree. I got my 200 for $750 with a pine stand and refinished it to match the custom canopy i made for it. Here's a pic of when i first got it cycled 3 years ago. Had to reimage my computer and lost all my current pics.
oo and that is wholesale grant that is for a little bit bigger tank and yours is longer and for a reef that is the way to go but that gives you a good idea ]


Mine was 1 year used. It was the LFS display, but they decided they didn't need it. I think that is the best way to go getting into the hobby for a big reef. Next will be a 300 acrylic when my wife finally breaks down and lets me buy it!


I'd deffinately jump on that! Ordering direct from the manufacturer, I'm currently looking at about 3000 for a 420 gallon acrylic with stand and canopy.

tony detroit

Active Member
I payed 1300 for two month old 300 gal acrylic, predrilled overflow, center post style with "teeth" and black backing. It was with a homemade ghetto stand, but the tank itself is very nice.