

I know very little about this type of disease. A few months ago when I thought my Puffer had an ich outbreak I treated him in Hypo for over 4 weeks. The white dots never dissapeared. After the hypo treatment they suddenly began to go away. I started leaning towards the idea that it was not ich but something different that had to do with the overall quality of the water. He has began getting white spots again, they usually stay clustered on his fins but I found two spots on one of his eyes today. Let me mention the Nitrates are terribly high and I have been doing weekly water changes for months now trying to lower them. I have another skimmer on the way and media to help absorb nitrates. If somebody could fill me in on a link about cyrpto cyctis (spelling)? I believe its called something along those lines , that would be great. Or just some general information on it. I am trying to pin-point what it is that he has because I am almost certain it is not ich.


Staff member
Its called cryptocaryon and that is just the scientific word for ich. Take a look at the info in the FAQ Thread located at the top of this forum. Most of the basic info about the parasite, and its treatment is in that link.
What did you use to measure salinity when you tried hyposalinity?


Thank you for guiding me in the right direction Beth. Any possibility this could be anything besides ich or another type of parasite? Just want to be safe before I treat him again in hypo.


Staff member
Take a look at the examples of ich in the Diseased Fish Thread. Or, post up your own picture so I can take a look.


I tried my best to get two photo's that are clear enough for you to see. Both are of the bottom fin, which has the most white spots on it. The camera did not pick up all the detail of the white areas, but captured the majority of the white dots.
To help you a little more, sombody suggested this could indeed be something called lymphocystis. I have no idea about that disease and will try to research on it.
Thanks again



mine has that too they look like almost smears and they dont leave like ich does every 3 or 4 days (Know this cause he has ich too) But the other spots dont leave