24g aquapod - enough light for an anemone?


Active Member
I've got an aquapod 24g.
Lighting: 1x32w sunpaq dual daylight, 1x32w sunpaq dual actinic
I've got two False percula clowns and want to get an anemone. From reading online they go well with carpet, ritteri, saddle, and bubble anemone's. Would any of these go well with my lighting system? If not, are there any others that would go with my lighting with the hopes of my clowns hosting with it?
I've done alot of reading, but all I see is either strong or medium lighting needs of anemone's. I'm unsure where my lights fall into place, as in low, medium, or strong lighting. I wouldn't mind going with metal halide's but price is an issue for now.
Thanks for any input!


Active Member
Based solely on your light, I'd say no. However, most anemones also like meaty foods, so you could (in theory) make of up for the lack of light with a well-balanced diet of meaty foods. Is it possible? Sure, but I wouldn't recommend it.
I'd shoot for a minimum of 100w of light before you even start thinking about an anemone. They are hard enough to keep long term with proper lighting... to try it on low light is really asking for trouble.