Hi everyone. I am fixing to add some more light to my tank and need some advice. Currently it has the 2 CF bulbs. I want to be able to put any corals I want but I know I will need to upgrade lights and these mod kits are outrageous price. I made my own lighting for my 125g with 2 400w MH but I cant do that here. Wanted to add a MH bulb. Dont know whether to get the 70w or the 150w. Also, the plastic cover over my lights my be a problem to with the heat generated from this. I think it will start either melting it or discoloring it to a brownish color or both. I was thinking of cutting out the top piece and inserting a piece of glass and silicone it in place. Any special kind of glass I should use?? Tempered???
Also whats done to it is the following. I drilled the hood and ran a DIY overflow with a 20g sump below. There I have my skimmer, UV and GFO reactor and then being brought back by a mag5 pump. Also have a Maxijet 1200 with the mod kit. Thanks everyone
Also whats done to it is the following. I drilled the hood and ran a DIY overflow with a 20g sump below. There I have my skimmer, UV and GFO reactor and then being brought back by a mag5 pump. Also have a Maxijet 1200 with the mod kit. Thanks everyone