24g JBJ Nano


24g JBJ Nanocube (PC lights)
22lbs LR
15lbs sand
Current Hardware:
- Stock Nanocube setup
Future Hardware Upgrades:
- Oceanic Biocube Skimmer
- Maxijet 1200
Current Inhabitants:
Future inhabitant Possibilites:
- Pair false Percula Clowns
- Blood Shrimp
- Cleaner Shrimp
- Yellow Watchman Goby
- Clown Gobies
- Orchid Dottyback

Just got the LR in. I didn't realize how dirty my glass was until i uploaded the pictures


Does my live rock look normal for just being added to the tank? It seems each day it gets less and less colorful. Any suggestions?


Active Member
I like your rock work! I also have a new 24gal jbj. Up about one month now.Check out my thread. looking forward to seeing more of your tank!


Well, its been a month, and things are off to a good start so far.
My new additions:
1 False Perc
1 Emerald Crab
15 Blue legged hermits
10 Turbo snails
Trumpet Coral
White/brown Toadstool
Kenya Tree
Star Polyps
Various Zoos



Active Member
Nice looking setup. I love the pink zoos with white outside. If you would like to frag a couple of those i would love to take them off your hands. Let me know. They look awesome and your tank looks nice too. How long has it been setup ?


Thanks for the compliments
I just picked up those zoos, but if i can get them to grow and spread I will definitely let you know :)
The tank has only been up for about 2 months Its a work in progress, but so far Im enjoying it. Its a very addictive hobby