24g JBJ Nano



1st time poster here and a saltwater 1st timer. Quite nervous. I want to start with an all included kit. Have been searching around all day and found a few (i think) good deals. Found a 24g nano cube with free stand around $240. Also there is the 29g aquapod for around $250. what do you guys think? I just feel overwhelmed/lost.


I would say the most of the AIO (All-In-One) tanks are pretty equal in quality..I'd go with the bigger 29g if its only $10 more. I have never owned a Aquapod , and I currently have a JBJ Nanocube 24g, and I love it so I recommend it, but I am pretty sure the Aquapod would be just as good, and for the larger tank size I'd just go with that....


I have a 24g Nano Cube and love it. No problems! Basically comes down to personal preference I think. 5 extra gallons would be nice though.