24g Nano Cube Start-up Pics


New Member
Just started up a cube a week ago today. Got some marshall island live rock in from Jeff's - great rock! Lots of color and shapes and nooks and crannies, no smell to it. Think I have too much?
Anyway, I still need some aquascaping suggestions, but here's my latest effort. Would love some comments. There are quite a few nooks and caves this way, the photos don't show it that well but here they are!
Any comments or criticisms welcome :D


Is your sand the live sand from the bag? I was looking at that one too it looks great. How many bags did you get? I also just bought a 24g nanocube it should be here on tuesday. How many lbs of live rock do you have? But so far it looks great, what kind of fish are you doing?


New Member
bkbkid- yes, I used 1 20lb bag of live sand.
I have about 22lb of live rock.
for fish I plan on:
1 true perc
royal dottyback
purple firefish
6 line wrasse:happyfish