24g nano good or bad?


well, im wanting to buy a 24g nano but i dont know a couple of things...

1. Is it a good aqurium for begginers?
2.what kind of fish/corals should i put in it
3.is it hard to maintain
please comment me back with some answers!!thanks


I have a 12 & 24. Definitely happier with the 24, as far as size goes of course. In the 24 I have a couple of clowns, a Coral Beauty, and a cleaner shrimp. As for corals, I have Zoa's, Yuma's, had a brain coral but it was already dead on a piece of live rock I bought.

jigga w00t

1. it is a good aquarium for beginners. my 24g nano is my first saltwater tank and it has done very well.
2. in my opinion, no fish larger than 3-4 inches (then you can have a few), no eels, and pretty much any soft corals that don't have huge lighting requirements.
3. not hard to maintain at all. i do about a 1.5 - 2 gallons water change a week, and keep the glass clean from algae and coralline growth. occasionally i use a turkey baster and gently blast off any "marine snow" from the live rock.