Ok, a few more pics. In the tank I have the yellow banded clown, a coral beauty (a victim of a LFS trying to make a sale) a Leopard wrass that is new to the tank and a banded gobbie that I would like to send back to the store. He is just boring.
Also, one flower pot, a plate coral, a BTA, assorted green zoos, brown, green and purple zoos, a feather duster, brown and green frilly mushrooms, a coral banded shrimp, an emerald crab and a brittle star that hasn't been seen since he was added.
Lots-o-stuff but I do frequent water changes and have never had bad water quality. Tests always come out with less then 20 ppm of nitrates.
The only thing i have lost is a xenia (so much for the easiest thing to grow?!?) and a 2 spot gobbie that i believe was murdered by my clown.