24gal jbj nano- lighting, help me decide



Hi everyone.... I need help in deciding which set up to buy... tell me which one you prefer and why....
1.Sunpod HQI 150w or 2. HQI Canopy Kit 150w



I'd say the canopy kit. I like the look of my tank with the hood. It just looks sleeker and cleaner to me. Everything just flows together with the hood.


I like the canopy too, I am just worried about the heat. The canopy does have 4 fans or that should help..... The Sunpod fixture leaves the tank open and I don't like the idea of dust, etc floating into the tank.... Thanks for your response... anyone else??


Active Member
i like having an open top to prevent heat issue. if u get the canopy mh, i am pretty sure u will hv heat problem.


Active Member
I have the canopy and I LOVE it! I bought a chiller at the same time so I can't tell you about the heat issue. BUT I do know of a few people on this site that have the canopy with no chiller and they say that their water temp never rises above 81 and never drops below 78. So if that is true thats A-OK. The open top sunpod is a fantastic unit but you will have alot of evap and like you said run the small risk of debri settling in top of the tank. Although SO many people run open top tanks with NO problems I don't think that it is much of a problem. For an extra $60 bucks you can have your canopy HQI fitted with actinic lighting also with is freaken sweet if you ask me!