25 gal and fish


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Just wanting to know what kinds of "fish" do you all keep in your tanks in the 25 gal range?


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u can keep clowns, gobys,firefish,NO TANGS,........ i cant think of anymore but there are TONS more u can keep, prolly only 3-4 small fish


Active Member
Thanks for the reply. I would never even think of a Tang, love them but know they need a much bigger tank. I just admire them at the fish store instead.
I have 2 ocellaris clowns right now and one yellow tail damsel. I would like to add another fish or two???? with these fish. Any thoughts? I do like damsels I will let you know, I don't hate them at all. So even one of these would be neat to add to my three I already have.


i've got a 30.. round the same size i spose
lots of crabs and snails
cleaner shrimp
black and white striped dams
and a pink/purple gobie.
going to add a clown in a couple of weeks.
i suggest a gobie.. wicked fun to watch.
anything small though, thats not going to grow more than 2 or 3 inches...


Active Member
laust: Is your striped damsel quite mean? I am looking at getting either the three striped or 4 stripe to add to my tank. If it were added last would it bully my current 2 clowns, 1 yellow tail damsel?
Right now my yellowtail is being bullied by the clowns. They are not tearing fins but they sure keep him in his own corner. Another reason why the 25 gal is being converted starting today and of course for the look of a bigger tank is nice too.


I have a yellow watchman and a firefish in my 30 gal and I love them both- the firefish does hide out for most of the day though. I would highly recommend the watchman- he is a hoot. And you can pair them with pistol shrimp (they become big buds and take turns watching their hole).