25 gal eclipse


New Member
Alright I have this 25 gallon aquarium with an eclipse system I had freshwater in it but they are so boring I want to have saltwater fish only what can I put in this small tank and if possible can I fit an eel. I would be happy with an eel and a fish or 2


I have a 10g Eclipse, I took out the eclipse filters and bio wheel and just use the filter area occasionally if I want to run carbon or a floss for mech. filtration. I use LS/LR as the main filter. It's been doing good so far, coraline blooms showing up everywhere. Anyway just telling you this because it can be done. I believe from books that a snowflake eel can be kept in a 29 gallon, alone. Putting him in there, even small may be pushing it. If you did do it, with an eel, I would use the eclipse system it is decent for a FO setup but I would add a protein skimmer like a prizm. And I'd use LS/LR for even more bio-filtration.
use the filter media in the eclipse and the bio wheel it is not needed w/ lr or ls so it is up to you. it is added filtration. i use it just in case i need to cycle a tanks later on. you can keep just a snowflake in the tank. or maybe a viper moray there are many small species to choose from.


New Member
So I can only keep the eel only, no fish. Would a trigger be ok or would it get too big? also can I have inverts and an eel.


New Member
I've had a 15 gal F/O (perc clown, coral beauty and red big eyed squirrel) eclipse for over a year now using just the filter cartridge and bio-wheel never had a problem. I do a 3 gal water change every other week.
triggers are a no no. you can keep one in there for a while but you need to upgrade soon. no inverts they will get eaten. you should think about the space you are working with. you might want an eel really bad but that is probably the only thing you can have and you will get bored of it. there are alot of cool smaller fish that you can have and really be active. you can also fill the tank up full of inverts.. take your time..eclipse are cool hoods you can do alot to them beleive it or not.


New Member
Yeah Ive been thinking about that. How many smaller fish could I put in there and what would you recommend. For a while I was debating about going saltwater but Ive decided it is way to cool to no do so Im doing it. Can I have inverts if I just have smaller fish?


I'd say go for 1-2 smaller fish as it's your first time, 3 would be doable but don't push it right now. And depending on the 2 fish you choose you can then pick inverts. Give us some ideas of the fish your considering and we can help you better with compatability issues.


My bad I thought you were the person with the 15g Eclipse. With the 25 you can have a couple more fish. So more like 3-4.


New Member
what would go well with a flame angel? I really like manderin sp? gobies. And could I have an anemone with a clown fish? What would you guys recommend


New Member
I just saw the racoon butterfly could that work I remember seeing them in Hawaii and how they were my fave


Butterfly fish get big, so no to that. As for mandarins they recquire an established tank with a lot of live rock to have a chance of survival because there such picky eaters. Now the flame angel would work, as it's a pygmy angel and won't grow very large. You should keep in mind they also need a more established tank, because they like sparkling clean water and also like to graze on the algae that grows in more mature tanks (you could add some caulerpa for him as well). If you go the clown/anemone road you would need a lighting upgrade. I think 1 clown, 1 anemone and the flame angel would work out all together. That would be pretty cool too. And you can add snails and scarlet hermit crabs. And a couple other inverts.
As for the tank itself you should have live sand, 25-50 lbs of LR, and upgrade your lightning. Even if it's to a 50/50 NO bulb thats better then what came with the Eclipse I'm sure. With the LR and LS you'll have a short cycle and then can add the clown. If thats what you choose anyway. Anymore Qs ask away!


New Member
are the coral angel and flame angel about the same I know you cant keep them together but are they the same like requirementswise and with the clown, anemone, and dwarf angel could I add some sort of damel I like the blue ones


The pygmy angels are the same it's just a matter of taste. Damsels are very territorial, and more than likely the clown will be territorial as he will guard his area with the host anemone and angels can become territorial as well. What I'm saying is it could lead to some fights if you add the damsel.


As I'm thinking about it a 25g tank is a high tank rather than long (struck me as I turned around and looked at my 25g refugium lol) and the angel and clown will both become medium sized fish, and the anemone will take up a bio load. You may consider that all fish wise and think about some inverts. You can add some of the more fun ones like a sally light foot crab, an emerald crab, a coral banded shrimp as long as you dont add any small fish or corals. People will say those inverts are reef safe but it's really hit and miss. The other fish I was thinking about was a flame hawkfish but I havent personally had one and I know that there shrimp eaters, not 100% sure about if they would eat crabs though, and I seriously doubt they would bother a coral banded shrimp. If you were to add one it would give the tank nice coloring. Clown fish - orange, flame hawk - red, coral beauty - blue/purple, anemone- whatever color you get. That is if your thinking about it colorwise. You should consider adding a protein skimmer if you add the 3rd fish.


New Member
Gotcha yeah its a tall aquarium. I guess I couldnt get a longnosed hawkfish instead of a flame hawkfish? also what protein skimmer would you recommend Ive seen them on ---- for as little as 30 bucks and as much as 250.


The flame hawk was just my preference I suppose it doesn't really matter what kind you were to get. I think the long-nosed gets a tad bigger then the flame though. Do some searches on this board for hawkfish you can read a bunch of experiences with them.
I would get a prizm skimmer, but then again a hang on skimmer wouldn't work with an eclipse setup unless you added a refugium/sump. But then again how would you put an overflow on the back of an eclipse filter. So I guess your only choice would be an external skimmer run by a water pump. Which is much more costly then just buying a prizm. Buuuut you could run a UV too if you did it that way. It would go, water pump, tube going to skimmer, tube going out from skimmer into uv, tube going back into the tank. With that you'd be able to remove waste with the skimmer and kill of disease with the UV. But that also kinda defeats the purpose of an Eclipse being "compact" and not seeing all the filter hoses you would normally see. Your choice I guess.


Hey don't post links to places where stuff is sold it's just a rule on this board one of the sharks will censor your last post when they see it.
But to answer your question I have that exact same skimmer on my sump and it is the ugliest mofoing thing ive ever seen, that whole thing sits in your tank (yes in your water), and it reaches the bottom of my 25g also a top portion (the collection cup) has to be above water level and its about 6 inches tall. I doubt it would work on an eclipse hood.