2'5" pod pile idea


Active Member
Attachment 239196
Would this cause any problems, i figured if i want a large enough copepod population that i could use a pod pile (along with the faact that i will be starting a separate 2.5g pod tank). I figured if one pile of rock rubble could be benificial to a tank, then maybe a much bigger pile would be better. Has anyone ever done something like this? Will there be any problems with my tank with this? Is it a good idea for pod populations?

gill again68

Active Member
First thought comes to mind. Detritus stock pile. Wouldn't that catch more than the copepods need? Again that was just my first thoughts. I would think that you would be better with a couple of piles that you could turkey baste.


Active Member
what do you mean "more than the copepods need," please explain. Also wouldnt it not catch any more detritus that if i added another live rock into the tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fibinotchi
If pods eat detritus that would be good, wouldn't it? More food, more space, more pods.
Thats what im thinking. I ultimatly am trying to get my tanks population stable enough for a mandarin. I will be breeding copepods and hopefully this will help them in my DT. If i get a mandarin, i also will try to get one weaned onto mysis, but if i cant, these will be there while i try to mean it.


Well-Known Member
I think what he meant was the pod-pile as you have it designed might trap more detritus than the pods could quickly eat...so it would be a detritus trap. It's a good point. And honestly, I don't know. Seems you could turkey-baste this just as quickly as a few separate piles. And if your chemistry starts to go south, you could break up the wall and do individual piles after all.


Active Member
Im going to the LFS today and im going to see if they have some rock rubble there. What would be better, rock rubble, or crushed coral, or does it really even matter


Active Member
Ok, i didnt get the crushed rubble/coral, but i did get some corals, i got a leather finger and some other polyp that i need to post in the id section when it opens up.


Active Member
well, i did it. I havnt got pods yet, but the 1g is still cycling. I went to theLFS and got some crushed coral stuff and had some left over so i could cove the bottom of the 1g. Heres some pics.
heres the pod pile in my DT
Attachment 239536
Before the store,(this was how i was going to leave it, but i had some left over soooo.
Attachment 239537
Attachment 239538
